has the same meaning as the algebraic one). In addition, we define 1* to
be 1 for all real numbers x. Then, for a > 0, x,y arbitrary real numbers,
we have by definition ax+y = axay, a"x = l/ax, aQ = 1. Replacing x by bx
in (4.3.3) yields

(4.3.4) loga(bx) = x log. b (b>0,x real)
and replacing b by ay in that formula gives

(4.3.5) (ax)y = axy (x, y real, a > 0).
For a>l9 x-*ax is strictly increasing and such that lim ax = Q,
x~* — oo
lim ax = +00; for a < 1, x~*ax is strictly decreasing, and such that
X-+ + 00
lim ax = +00, lim ax = 0.
(4.3.6) The mapping (x9 y)-*xy is continuous in R* x R, and tends to a
limit at each point
o/E x R in the closure o/R* x R and distinct from (0, 0),

1, -00).
From (4.3.4), we have xy = ay'l°SaX (a fixed number >1), hence the
result by (4.1 .2) and (4.1 .9).

(4.3.7) Any continuous mapping g o/R* into itself such that g(xy) = g(x)g(yj
has the form x
-> ;cfl, with a real.

Indeed, if b > 1, f(x) = log& g(bx) is such that f(x + y) =/(*)
for real x, y, and is continuous, hence f(x) = c -x by (4.1.3), therefore
g(bx) = bcx = (bx)c, which proves the result.

As Iog6(;ca) = a -logfc x, we see that if a > 0, x-+xa is strictly increas-
ing, and strictly decreasing if 0<0; moreover if a > 0, lim^:fl = 0,

lim xa = + oo ; if a < 0, lim xa = +00, lim xa = 0. For a ^ 0,
X-+ + QO x-+Q x-»- + oo
x-+xa is therefore a homeomorphism of R* onto itself, by (4.2.2); the
inverse homeomorphism is x-+xl/a.

Let/be a mapping of R into itself such that f(x + y) —f(x) +/(>>) and/(;x;y) =*f(x)f(y).
Show that either /(*) = 0 for every x e R, or /(*) « A: for every x e R. (If/(I) ^ 0, then
/(I) == 1; in the second case, show that/(;c) = x for rational x, and using the fact that every
real number z > 0 is a square, show that / is strictly increasing.)